The Pasteurization Monitor 4 (PM-4) is the next generation beer and beverage pasteurization monitoring computer. The unit needs no field calibration or charging of the battery. The PM-4 offers the utmost in ease of use and reliability today.
The PM-4 is housed in a waterproof NEMA rated enclosure. The window in the housing cover allows for the display of operational data, this gives the user immediate results of the product run without having to interface to a computer. A water tight electrical connector allows for the attachment of an interchangeable precision RTD temperature probe. The PM-4 communicates with a computer using an infra red reader attached to a serial or USB port.
The PM-4 utilizes extremely low power components and operates with a very high amperage hour rated internal battery. The unit will operate hundreds of hours before battery replacement is needed and travels with the product through the tunnel pasteurizer. A product container (can or bottle) is placed in the sample basket and the temperature of the cold spot is monitored with a precision RTD temperature probe attached to the PM-4. A second precision RTD temperature probe monitors the ambient spray temperature. Product temperature, as a function of time, is measured and used to calculate pasteurization units (PUs). Spray and product temperature, maximum cold spot temperature, and elapsed time are all recorded and saved in memory.
To store a permanent record of the product run, the PM-4 may be interfaced to a Windows based computer using the optional IR reader. The Windows compatible software provides the capability to store data, produce screen displays, print graphs, recall the graphs and detailed summaries for analysis and printing.